Affiliate Link Safety Issues



In the affiliate marketing industry, various link concealment methods are used for the purpose of disguising an affiliate link including: simple redirect, link cloaking (also called link framing), link branding, covert linking and embedded cookies (also called covert cookies).

This is done in order to thwart attempts by someone else to either steal an affiliate's commission (by replacing that affiliate link with their own) or to STOP potential customers bypassing the affiliate page (for any number of reasons) and going directly to the product's sales page, resulting in commission lost either way.

For our purposes, methods such as link cloaking (when used with some affiliate programs or affiliate links) can be potentially unsafe and may result commission loss (up to 50% and even more in some cases).

Below is a full technical explanation of the problem.

And should you wish to learn more about the other link concealment methods, you can do so by clicking here.

Two Types of Cookies

Nearly all affiliate programs use "cookies" to track affiliate performance and to determine which affiliate gets paid when an affiliate sale in generated.

Cookies are small text file identifiers sent to a potential customer's computer for the purpose of recording the ID of the referring affiliate so that he/she can get paid for that the resulting sale.

This much is common knowledge, but the next part isn't.

That there are two types of cookies - Standard Cookies and Validated Cookies.

A Validated Cookie is used when a Compact Privacy Policy is sent (along with a standard cookie (to reassure users that the standard cookie will not be used to "invade their privacy."

Currently Internet Explorer is the only Web browser that differentiates between Validated and Standard Cookies, but since Internet Explorer is still the most commonly used Internet browser, this affects a lot of potential customers.

With Internet Explorer, all Standard (i.e. non-validated) cookies are discarded by the browser unless they come from the same Web site as the one shown in the Internet Explorer Address Bar.

Hence if the Address Bar shows, any cookie from will be accepted, but cookies from any other web site will be discarded unless they are Validated Cookies.

Visitors (potential customers) may override this feature by setting their privacy level to "Accept All Cookies" in Internet Explorer but very few people actually do this (there is no real reason for them to do it - and most users do not even know how to, or that they even exist).

To learn more you may also visit the Internet Explorer Web site.

The Consequences

So what does all this mean for you as an affiliate marketer?

It means that if you are using anything other than simple redirect to conceal your affiliate link, unless it is a Validated Cookie it won't be created.

As a result, you'll LOSE your affiliate commission.

Not in all cases since some customers will use browsers other than Internet Explorer - or will have chosen to "Accept All Cookies". However it is likely that you will lose more than half your commissions.

Note that this problem will arise with ANY tool or script that hides affiliate links, irrespective of assurances given by the vendor or software developer as there's simply no way to avoid the problem if the affiliate link uses Standard Cookies.

What are the choices?

1.Stick to simple redirects, but lose some of the advantages of using the more sophisticated link concealment solutions.

2. Use a system such as Cloak Minder that analyses your affiliate links to determine whether or not it is safe to use link cloaking with a particular link.

Are "Safe" Links 100% Safe?

An "unsafe" link should never be used with link cloaking as you'll most certainly lose at least half of your commissions.

IMPORTANT: Even cloaking a safe link will cost you a commissions all be it a small percentage. That's because Firefox and others allow the user to configure their browser to reject all third party cookies.

Most people do not use that option, but many do.

Overall, when using link cloaking your losses will amount far less than your gains but using link cloaking to conceal your affiliate links is something that only you can decide.

Note that "Simple Redirects" are always safe in all contexts.

How to check whether you're using Link Cloaking or Not?

This is the easy way. First, enter the original uncloaked link into your browser and press enter to visit the site. Now take a look at the Web address that shows up in your browser's address bar.

In most cases that link will change to reflect the site that you're now viewing. If it has then you're definitely not using a cloaked link.

Now use the cloaked link to visit the same site. If after visiting the site the Web address shown in your browser remains unchanged, then you're definitely using la cloaked link.

NOTE: Other than "Simple Redirect", any link concealment method you use characterizes a cloaked link of some kind. Simple Redirect itself take various forms - PHP redirects, Meta tag redirects and Javascript redirects.