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"A Quick & Easy Way To Start generating Free Traffic To any WordPress site or Blog..."

Use on EVERY site Owned By You at No Extra Cost

Dear Friend,

Let me take you on a little day dream for a moment.

Imagine that everyone who visited your site or blog fell in love with it and told all of their friends about you.

One visitor told ten friends, who told a hundred, who told a thousand more.

Before you know it you'd be swamped with an endless cascade of traffic. All with little to no effort from you and without spending a dime.

Visitors just don't behave that way unfortunately, except there's something in it for them.

That is true for most of us. So unless you offer them some kind of incentive to tell others about you it's unlikely they will.

It then becomes just the next site or blog that they visited for a brief moment before moving on - probably never to return.

Here's where WP Traffic Bot comes in

WP Traffic Bot does one thing only: give visitors an incentive to tell their friends about you.

Like the old "Tell a Friend" model it can get everyone Tweeting about you, liking you on Facebook, Social Bookmarking sites - and anywhere else they can think of.

In short they'll send loads of traffic your way 'cause you've now given them a reason to.

How It works

Visitors to your site or blog will be offered something free as a reward for persuading a certain number of people to visit your site or blog (you choose the number - from one to a thousand.)

Simply do the initial set up (which should take just a few minutes) and leave the software to handle everything else on AUTO PILOT.

 Getting Started

First of all, you'll need to find something that your visitors will really want. A downloadable product (ebook, e-course, article(s), video, software, whatever.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your gift is something of real value. Preferably something that you currently sell.

If they like what they see (and  that's the juice in the system), many of their friends also will, and on, and on, resulting in a viral cascade effect that drives loads of free traffic your way 24/7.

 Generating Your WordPress Plugin

Here's where the WP Traffic Bot Desktop software comes in. It comes with a built in WIZARD that'll generate the plugin for you as shown in the screen shot below:

Everything's done right from your desktop.

Simply fill in the blanks and click the "Create" button.

The next step is to upload your "Gift" -a single zip file- along with the WP Traffic Bot generated plugin into the plugin directory on your Wordpress site.

Easy Upload

Uploading the files is equally easy. Just about any FTP software will do. WP Traffic Bot even comes with a one-click upload tool built in that you can use to upload everything--AUTOMATICALLY.

Advertising your offer

We've taken care of that too, with a Built-In ad generator that places your offer on every page and post, or as a widget at the side bar, wooing visitors to visit your offer page.

So you'll need to create a new page with a brief description of your offer that lets everyone know how they can get it for free.

Included is a STANDARD TEMPLATE that you can paste directly into Wordpress as a new page and edit to your liking.

To participate in the program each participant must enter their email address into a form on that page and click the SUBMIT button.

You can (optionally) have them subscribe to an auto responder (if your auto responder supports subscribe by email).

The plugin will then generate a "special link" that they can copy and use to start sending traffic your way.

This is the special link that allows the plugin to keep a count of the number of visitors sent by each participant. It uses a tracking "cookie"  and "IP address" to ensure that only new visitors are counted (and to stop cheats.)

Their "SPECIAL" Links may be posted on Facebook, Twitter, a forum, or wherever people group up.

By default all of your incoming traffic will land on your home page except you decide otherwise.

When the visitor count set by you have been met, the plugin sends an email to the associated email address, with instructions on how to download the reward.

NOTE: Participants may also return to your Wordpress site or blog at any time, to check their referral stats.

Overall WP traffic Bot is a cool way to provide incentives in return for traffic. A UNIQUE Viral Traffic System in fact that can bring you NON STOP Traffic from some of the FASTEST Growing Social Media Networks and other gathering places online with no ongoing effort or cost.

All that's left to do now is take the first step

So here's what YOU need to do next:

Click The "WP Traffic Bot" Order Button Lower Down The Page To Order TODAY!

The Price: Just $19.97

And for your complete peace of mind, your order is covered by our 60-day, no risk, 100% money-back guarantee...

Your 100%, No Risk, No Questions Asked,
Money-Back Guarantee

WP Traffic Bot is a Unique, Professional Grade Wordpress Plugin generator that guarantees a high click through rate.

Just to make sure you feel completely at ease with your order, however, I'm going to make it 100% risk-free with our UNCONDITIONAL 100% money-back guarantee, with NO QUESTIONS ASKED! 

If at any time during the next 60 days, you decide it does not meet your requirements, just shoot us a quick email and we'll refund your payment in full, again, no questions asked.

That's a legally binding 60-Day UNCONDITIONAL 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE so you can take 2 full months to check it out and let us take the risk...alone.

Order Now For Just $19.97

Order with Confidence Via Secure Server and Gain Instant Download Access even at 2 am.

PayPal's The Authorized Payment Processor for ALL our Products & Services

Requirements:  A PC running Microsoft Windows (any version) and any version of WordPress from 2.8 onwards.

Future Versions: Like most of our Wordpress plugins you're entitled to any future updates at no extra cost. WP Traffic Bot comes with a built in mechanism for checking for the latest update with no effort on your part.

Support For WordPress Multisite: WordPress Multisite is an advanced WordPress feature that allows a single installation of WordPress to operate multiple blogs. This software supports Multisite as long as each blog is on a different domain or subdomain (which is how  Multisite works.)

Support For WordPress Cache Plugins: If your site uses any kind of "cache" plugin WP Promo Bot plugin will work for AdSense ads only (not affiliate ads).

WARNING: WP Promo Bot is for your personal use only and does not carry any form of resale rights. The plugin it generates is licensed for use on any number of Wordpress sites or blogs, meaning that you can use it on every site or blog owned by you, at no extra cost.

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